June 30, 2024

My Music ONLY available on Bandcamp!

Ever since I have taken down my music from streaming platforms, I'm only listening to new music and discovering great artists on Bandcamp.com. 

I wish I had known about this page much sooner. I have wasted so much time on Spotify by creating playlists and following indie artists. Unfortunately, no one will ever give me back the precious time that I have wasted on this useless and corrupt platform! Well, I guess it's better late than never, and we learn from our mistakes. 

I will not only be listening to undiscovered great songs, but also downloading the music that I like and support the artists in this great community as much and as often as I can. 

If you are not an active Bandcamp User yet, I highly recommend this platform. You can discover and support great indie artists worldwide! If you like my songs, please follow me and add my songs to your favourites. Thank you. 

FYI: All my audiobooks in English and German are now also ONLY available on LilyAmisBooks.Bandcamp.com

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