July 12, 2022

Tune in Norway & Scandinavian countries!

Super excited to inform you that my song 80 Million People! will be airing from July 13 until July 19 at Gylne Hits Radio station.

Gylne Hits Radio (Golden Hits Radio) is an internet radio station, plays the greatest and most popular songs of all time, both English and Scandinavian hits. The station has around 18 000 listeners from Norway in a week and hundreds of listeners from other Scandinavian countries (Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland, as well as the Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Åland) and Europe.

This is a great chance for my song to be discovered and heard in several European and Scandinavian countries that I have never been to yet!  It is an honor to be played next to international superstars and hits from artists such as Stevie Wonder, Phil Collins, Roxette, The Pet Shop Boys, and more great songs from my favorite music decade, the 80es!

Hope you enjoy listening to 80 Million People! Lily Amis featuring Thir13een

Airplay Central European Time: 01:33, 03:33, 05:33, 07:33, 09:33, 11:33, 13:33, 15:33, 17:33, 19:33, 21:33, 23:33  (plus/minus a few minutes)

About Gylne Hits Radio (80sClassic HitsOldies)

Gylne Hits Radio spiller de største og mest populære sangene gjennom tidene, helt tilbake fra 50-tallet og frem til i dag. Sanger mange husker, og gjerne vil høre igjen. Det vil også dukke opp noen overraskelser underveis, for å gi deg enda mer variasjon. Vi har også større utvalg av sanger enn de fleste andre kanaler i Norge, for å unngå at du hører samme sang for ofte.

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