February 03, 2022

"80 Million People!" - My song!


Lyrics: Lily Amis, Vocal: Thir13een

Genre: Soul & RnB, Duration: 5 minutes 

Not one day goes by where we don’t see or read something about the suffering of refugees. And it hits us every single time. My mum and I can’t help it, we have to cry, because we feel their pain and we know exactly what a challenging and exhausting journey they have ahead: a life in uncertainty and fear of existence in a foreign country overshadowed by years of bureaucracy, racism, and discrimination! No right to proper education and employment. No right to proper integration and happy and independent life in dignity.

God is my witness, that in the previous six months I have done everything in my power to bring awareness about the plight of refugees with my online petition #HumanityB4Nationality at www.openpetitin.eu/HB4N

I want people to understand the refugees. They can never ever feel their pain, but at least understand their horrible and hopeless situation and realize that these people need all the love and support they can get and shouldn’t be punished by the refugee law. I have invested hours of Zoom meetings, DM on Social media, face to face conversations, and nothing happened so far! I could have easily talked to a wall! That’s how ignorant and indifferent people react when it comes to refugees. Even those who support and work with or for refugees haven’t shown their support by signing my petition, that only takes a minute of their precious and busy lifetime! Why? Only God knows! I have my thoughts and answers, but I leave it to you to decide why!

Also, the refugee crisis is not a popular topic! It is not chic! Most people think “Hey, it’s not my problem, what should I care?” or “It’s their own fault; they shouldn’t have left their home countries in the first place!“ Blaming innocent victims of wars, that have lost everything because of corrupt and mighty-hungry governments and politicians is so wrong. No one chooses to become a refugee and trust me anyone at any time, at any place can become a refugee overnight! As long as there are corrupt world rulers in power, anything at any time to anyone can happen, regardless of what nationality you have and where you live today!

So now I’m hoping for the power and miracle of music! My song lyric “80 Million People!” is dedicated to all the forgotten, voiceless and hopeless refugees that suffer in silence worldwide. When I wrote the lyrics back in May 2021 to submit it to the UK Songwriting Contest, my main goal was to bring awareness and get attention to this global issue. I was pretty sure, that I wrote a meaningful and strong lyric. However, the judges scored my song with only 4 from 5 stars! But I still believe in the message of my lyrics. After writing song lyrics for over a decade it was finally time to actually bring it to life!

So believed or not, everything happened very fast. On January 14th, I shared my lyrics on my blog. On January 19th I discovered a singer/songwriter in London and contacted him. I wrote him about my petition and goal with my lyrics. On January 20th I send him the lyrics for “80 Million People!” and in a week, on January 27th I received THE SONG!

I can’t even describe the feeling when you finally hear your lyrics come to life with a wonderful melody and a beautiful voice. I can't stop listening to it. It is in my head all day long and I hope you will enjoy it as well. As my featured artist correctly said, it was meant to be! He has done an amazing job and I couldn’t be more proud of my very first music project! I hope it is the first of many to come. I have a lot to say and hopefully, with the miracle of music, I can achieve my goal!

“80 Million People!” will be out in February. It's easy to remember the date: 22.2.22! The song will be available in all download stores. This is the official lyrics video on YouTube!


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