August 05, 2024

Fallen Angels - Fighting Fallen Angels!

Never before has one of my song lyrics inspired me to write an entire book series. To this date, my songs were inspired by my books. “The Stolen Years”, “The Three of Us” and “SIMA” are inspired by my memoir "The Stolen Years in Zurich”. “The Miracle of Music” is inspired by my book “Lennon, The Miracle of Music”.

But my second Bonus track on the album Legacy4Humanity (15 tracks), “Fallen Angels” has opened me to a magical and spiritual world. Recently I have been learning so much about healing stones, protection scents and amulets. It is such an exciting new world. I wish I had known about all these protection and self-care possibilities years ago. Knowledge is mighty.

The song title FALLEN ANGELS was actually supposed to be SECRET DEVILS. After my bonus track release SECRET ANGELS, I thought Secret Devils would match perfectly. But in my heart, I didn’t feel comfortable using the word devils on the cover and in my promotions. There are enough evils around us daily. So there is no need and desire to promote these dark souls at all! 

Anyway, I will be working on a new, exciting book series in the upcoming months while I’m taking necessary actions against the secret devils in my life. Self-protection and self-care are my priority!

If you want to join my journey, follow my new IG account @FightingFallenAngels

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