Fallen Angels are secret devils!
After my song release “Secret Angels”, the 14th track on my album Legacy4Humanity, I was going to name the follow-up and last song on the album “Secret Devils”. But in my heart, I didn’t like the idea of promoting the word DEVIL on my song cover and in my social promotions. So I changed the title from Secret Devils to Fallen Angels.
Fallen Angels are people with criminal, evil and negative energy who toy with other people’s lives and destinies by misusing their power and position or by misleading others with dishonesty, corruption and criminal activities.
Whether we like the idea or not, every one of us is surrounded by secret devils. They are here to teach us painful life lessons. We only grow through pain, disappointment and heartbreak.
In today’s shallow, superficial, selfish, ignorant, dishonest, disloyal and thoughtless society, people have more possibilities to toy with other people. Before the Internet, we only had to deal with the evil people in our circle. Nowadays thanks to social media, we have to deal with plenty of fallen Angels, who we never get to meet in person face to face. Thanks to all the social platforms, people create identities and profiles within minutes and claim to be someone that they're not.
Catfishing is a perfect and easy way for the secret devils to use other people's trust and cluelessness for their own benefit and profit!
This is one of the main reasons why I'm no longer on Facebook and have changed my Instagram settings to private. I’ve had enough of fake accounts and fake people who only wasted my time in the past. Once the trust is broken, you can't fix it! And trust is everything in life, but to secret devils TRUST is a holly word that destroys demons and devils like holly water!
Be aware of the Fallen Angels around you and don't give them a chance to toy with you as they wish. Sooner or later, they are caught and can't hide their evil side any longer! Secret Devils are not only the mighty-hungry, fame and fortune hunters in politics, governments and celebrities, they are often the ones close to us, and it takes some time until we finally see their true evil character and nasty personality!
Open your eyes, open your mind and protect yourself from the Fallen Angels!